Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Belissa and Jackson

Annie, Sara and I had an amazing opportunity to go to the Beijing Zoo. We were so excited about this event that we talked about it for days before it came.

 A team from California wanted to take the kids to the zoo. SFCV has a policy that when there is a field trip, each child has to be paired up with one adult. Sooooo they picked us because the kids knew us. Boo yah! :)

Finally the day came and I was paired up with Jackson. The funny thing about July 18th, the day we went, was that it was the same day as his birthday. What kid from SFCV can say they went to the zoo on their birthday? Anyways, he is 4 years old but looks like he turned 6-7. He has been diagnosed with a giant syndrome so he is very big for his age...very! :) I had to carry him too (but I wanted too)!!!!!!

Anyways, it was such a blast and I was so glad to be able to go. Thank you Rolling Hills Team for letting me go!

Picture Descriptions:
1. Jackson, Joy, and Grayson coming out of their houses at 7am!! Yes, we left at 7am..too early!
2. Rolling Hills Team, interns, Aiyis, teachers, and kids! :)
3. Jackson held my hand the whole time. (Because he had to) :)
4. He made a good armrest. :)
5. Tickle tickle tickle
6. I wuv his dimples!
7. Looking at the bears. We were so close to them!!!
8. It was a long tiring day so I carried Jackson towards the end. I was very sore the next day.
9. Watching Jackson eat his McDonalds. He ate chicken nuggets, fries, one burger, and still wanted more.
10. Jackson and I being goofy during the bus ride there.
11. Jackson wearing my sunglasses. He was awake the whole ride back home when I wanted him to sleep so I could sleep!!


  1. SO happy you all could go to the Zoo with them~ what a treat!!! LOVE all your photos! I know you are missing Annie. I will miss reading her blog and seeing pics but have you so that is great!!!
    Blessings and love!

  2. Pandas, Pandas, where are the panda pics. I love Jackson too, give him a basketball!!! Dad!
