Sunday, July 10, 2011

Lunchtime!!! :)

So Annie and I decided it would be fun to do something with the kids outside of SFCV. We then thought of taking them across the street for lunch. On Thursday we took Annie's kindergarten class and then on Friday we took my primary class. It was such a blast and I'm so glad we did it. I'll try to give little descriptions of each picture but I want you all to enjoy the pictures. Just pretend you were there with me because all of you were through your pr0yers and support. Enjoy! :)

Picture 1: Eric, JJ, and I eating. They are in the Kindergarten class.
3. Seth, me Shelby, Hannah, and Grady. These are some of the kids in my primary class except Hannah. She is an intern here.
4. Seth and Philip
5. I'm making goofy faces at Elizabeth and Shelby is staring at Hannah's lovely face.
6. Sipping some juice with my bro Joseph.
7. Annie and Jerak
8. Hannah, Grady, and Elizabeth
9. Everyone in the room was laughing at us during this picture. This is why I'm called the silly teacher.
10. So happy Philip was able to join us. :)
11. After lunch, I had enough money to buy the kids Popsicles. And no, I am not trying to bribe them to like me better...haha


  1. Why is it that every time I see these kids there is JOY. I would take them out to lunch too with such JOY present. Don't you just love chop sticks and the whole popsicle, bribe thing, you learned that from your dad.

  2. Mel...just wondering if you could be a little more animated in your pics...:-D

  3. SO excited to be able to follow your blog and read about SF!!! God is good and so thankful you are there loving on the kids!
