Wednesday, July 20, 2011

PiCtUrE tImE

Hello all!
Here are some pictures from various activities over the course of the week. So I thought you all might enjoy looking at them!!!!

Picture 1: Asa and I swinging along. I would hold his hand and he would actually move his stroller by moving his hand with mine. I could tell he liked it by how he smiled when we were doing it. :)
2: Melissa squared! I love this girl so much! She is so cute and she totally knows she is. :)
3: Playing with Cody and Will. Wild boys. :)
4. The crazy interns (Annie, me, Tess, and Hannah) When it rains in China, it POURS! So when it was raining, we were running around the campus and splashing each other. We even went right by some of the kids houses and made funny faces at them. It was such a blast!!!!
5. Beth is in my arms, Will is under me, and Robert wants me to carry him. Sometimes I wish G gave me more hands. :)
6. Lexi and I playing in a water fight!
7. About a week ago, the interns, Stacey, Philip, and Wendy had hot pot for dinner. This is a picture of Philip and I. Boy, can he sure eat a lot! :)
8. The interns and I at the Olympic Park!

Hope all of you are doing well! Thank you so much for your pr*yers and support!! G is doing some incredible things over here!


  1. Melly,
    Friends and coworkers ask me everyday if I miss you..."O, you must miss Melissa SO MUCH!!" They exclaim! But I talk to you everyday day or two on skype for an hour or so face to face and we text throughout the day and we email each other and facebook little comments about all kinds of daily stuff and of course there's your BLOG!!! Thanks for posting all these wonderful pics and stories! I feel like I'm there and I know the campus and the staff and and the adorable kids from all your posts!
    So NO! I don't miss Melissa! You are exactly where G*d wants you to be in this moment in time and in the blink of an eye you'll be back in your own little bed down the hall and we'll be taking our walks and hanging out and I'll be bugging you to clean the bathroom once again!
    Love you, Mom

  2. LOVE every single photo and every single story!!! Bless you in all you are doing!

  3. Love those pics. It looks like you are having way too much fun for it to be a job. Where does that joy come from? Hmmm, thank you G for giving my daughter an awesome time and direction. Can't wait to see you and get my hands on those kids, I will be your extra hands!!!
