Friday, July 15, 2011

Overlooking Beth

In every house, you have many kids running up to you, jumping up and down, and wanting you to give them your absolute attention. But for me, there is one house which the kids don't come running up to me as much. That house is the House of Blessing.
When I first arrived at SFCV, I would go over there with Annie because she is completely in love with a little boy there named Zechariah. All the kids would want her to hold them but when she would point at me to hold them, they would start crying. Anyways, slowly but
surely as I have been here for a month, they have started to open up to me.
Yesterday, Annie and I went into House of Blessing during our break. I was ready to make funny faces at the babies and have a couple of them maybe become attached to me.Haley and Preston (a couple of the babies) warmed up to me when I was there, wanting me to hold them.
I don't know why though but instead of being with the babies, I started tickling Beth. Beth is 3 years old and is mentally delayed. She doesn't talk and has these arm bands on her to prevent her biting herself. She bites a lot, on toys etc. I then decided to pick her up. Usually people don't pick Beth up; she keeps to herself and really doesn't get that much attention.
She loved to be held. I was bouncing her up and down, throwing her up in the air, and holding her. She would laugh when I did something silly and even put her head on my
shoulder. It was interesting too because when I set her down, she would start crying. So then I would immediately pick her back up and she would be all happy! :)
This was an amazing experience for me. It made me realize to not overlook kids if you know what I mean. I seriously have just looked at Beth and been like: "She just wants to be alone and doesn't want me." or "Oh she just bites all the time so I don't want to play with her." I feel so ashamed for having those thoughts.G would never do that to her, He loves everyone just the same. Beth is just the same sweet little girl as anyone else. She just wants someone to love her.


  1. I am so thankful that we are not overlooked. This story breaks both mom and my heart. Keep loving the Kids, especially the Beths in the world. I love you, Dad

  2. I just want you to know that I love you even more because of this post. You are something special and you were in HOB that day just to hold Beth. She is a beauty. She tried to eat Katie's glasses ;)

  3. Love this story! and the picture it paints for all us for our lives. Beth is precious and you are just the person to show her that. You are so sweet and Jesus is blessing you big!!!
    Blessings and love!

  4. The other Flt Att. I worked with this week was named Beth! So got to show her this blog and she loved the story! Precious!
