Thursday, July 14, 2011

I love the ABCs!

haha you might think the title of this blog post is well...interesting. I think I have been around too many little kids.But anyways....
I wanna make this blog post about the things I love here using the ABCs. (Annie and I have been teaching our preschool classes the ABCs so that's why I have them stuck in my head) I have been here for over a month and I think it is time for me to look back at all my favorite memories from this month. These are only some as I have had lots of memories. :)

A is for Adrian. He is a little boy in my preschool classes who actually sings the songs in class. Whenever I ask the kids what songs we should sing, he is the one who yells out a song! :)
B is for Baby Melissa! She is so cute! Today, she came up to me and wanted me to hold her! I love how we share the same name. I hope when she gets adopted, they will keep her name Melissa. :)
C is for Charissa. She remembers my name now! :)
D is for Dianne. Sweet Dianne who doesn't wanna play with kids but just wants to be in your arms.
E is for Elephant. Seeing my preschoolers act like elephants is quite adorable!
F is for Frances! Another little boy in my preschool class who is so sweet. He can sometimes be overlooked cause the loud ones get in the way. I try to give him some love when the other kids are not in the way. :) He is the one in the picture up above. I love that picture so much. It is on my desktop, facebook profile, and now in this blog! :)
G is for...well ya know...haha Without Him, I would not be here. Thanks G! :)
H is for Hayden who always colors during my class. I still love her though. :)
I is for ice cream! Eating magnum bars and yummy Chinese ice cream bars are quite delicious!! Rachel, I found our ice cream bar!! hehe
J is for Jackson! He is such a big 3 year old. He is in my preschool class and whenever he wants my attention, he says: "Hey." haha love that kid. He thinks my name is Belissa.
K is for Kyle. I have been listening to his music so much on this trip! I even sang one of his songs to Dianne. Thanks Kyle.
L is for Lunch! Chao Bain!!!! I probably totally spell that wrong but that is my favorite lunch dish here. It's sooooo good!
M is for mattress. I am thankful that this time I have a mattress when I sleep and AC right by me. :)
N is for nicknames. I call Sara, Grandma because she forgets things. She calls me it too. Then recently i have been calling Stacey and Wendy Jie jie (older sister) and they call me mei mei. I love these girls so much!!
is for the face I make at the kids. I love making silly faces at the kids. This is probably why I'm called the silly teacher.
P is for Philip. Philip is the boy I tutor in the mornings. We have had some interesting times together. It was awesome seeing him yesterday read the book outloud (he likes to read it to himself) and having his dad tell me he loves math now. THANK YOU G!
Q is for Queen. Princess Sierra is actually a queen
R is for roomies! I love my roomies so much! We have had so much fun watching movies, jumping on the trampoline (sorry Tim), and laughing so hard our abs hurt! :)
S is for Seth. Whenever he sees me, he yells really loud: "Melissa." Same with Shelby. :)
T is for Trampoline! One of my favorite afternoons was jumping on the trampoline with Annie and all these kids. Annie and I kept switching who would jump the kids. It was a blast and I was covered in sweat which then Sara and i had a water fight after! Also, watching the stars with the roomies on the trampoline was quite lovely. Wish we could go on it now!
U is for Umbrella! I will never forget running in the rain, getting super wet,having the kids watch their crazy teachers through the windows, and trying to use my umbrella to rescue my shoes. Super fun!
V is for Vans! I have been teaching my primary kids transportation. We play this game called Teacher vs. Students. This game helps them review the material and spell out the words. They always win though.
W is for Teacher Wang. She is my primary class Chinese Teacher. She is super nice. She is great with the kids and helps me out with translation. She even told me today that the kids missed me. (They have been having VBS and english camp these couple weeks so I don't teach them.) It was funn
X is for X-ray...yeah I have no memory for that!
is for Year! Every school day, I ask my primary kids what today is. They remember the day of the week, month, day but can never remember the year. 2011 is a big word for them! haha
Z is for the ZOO. I can't wait to go to the zoo with the kids, Annie, and Sara on Monday!!!


  1. I love it when you do ABCs, so fun. G is having a amazing time with you as you work with the kids, but I think you are finding out that you are not only working with the kids, but sharing His love by loving them. Love the kids, Melissa, love the kids. Spread His joy throughout. I love you and can't wait to see you.

  2. E, J, Q, U, X and Z
    Those are the letters that we have the same words for, although I did just change up from zoo to zoologist because it was more fun to say. I have been saying the ABC's to little Beckham everyday when I change his diaper. He loves listening to all the funny sounds I make as a I sound out each letter and then say the word that it goes to. I know it doesn't make much sense to him at this point, but it does keep him entertained.

    How cool is it that we both are sharing the ABC's with (sing this next line with me) "all the children of the world"

    Love you cousin!
