Saturday, June 18, 2011

Fw: What to do if I lived in China......

So, for those of you who don't know, I have quite a strong interest in China that I believe G may be calling me to serve Him here. I mean that's why I'm here for 2 month!. I am here to see if this is what G has in mind for me, to serve the orphans for His Glory.

But sadly I haven't figured out what occupation would best serve here. I was planning on becoming a nurse but I don't know if that is what He wants. So I have come down to these two occupations: Teacher and Occupational therapist. Each one I can see myself becoming but will one of these occupations help me serve Him in the best way I can?

So for Teacher: I NEVER imagined I would be thinking about teaching. Many people have come up to me before and said: " Oh Melissa, you would make such a good teacher!" I would laugh to myself thinking, "I will never be a teacher!" This thinking has processed throughout my mind until this year. I believe it was my mom who kept persistently saying: " You should be a teacher Mel, you love working with kids and that's what teacher's do!" So now with thinking over her thoughts and realizing I actually do teach in my Ch*rch, I have now considered maybe teaching is the way to go but would it be beneficial for my outreach in China if that is where I'm suppose to go....i don't know!?!?!

And then there is Occupational Therapist: This occupation is actually brand new to me. I don't know all that I need to know for it but I do know the main purpose. An occupational therapist helps someone to perform activities of daily living which the circumstances they are living with whether it be mentally or physically disabled. This one I actually find quite interesting and I can so see doing this in China. There are many kids with different ailments such as Cerebral palsey, missing limbs, and even Autism. If I became an Occupational therapist, it would be such a privilege to help kids live their lives to the fullest even with a barrier. The only problem with this is schooling. It takes a lot of years (I have to go to grad school) and I need to do well in my science classes(not looking so good with that either) Is this what G wants from me also??

So yeah here's my dilemma, I will be writing about my future career choices and would LOVE your input on what you think would be a good match for me. :)
Must importantly though, I hope that G*d will reveal the job He wants me to do.
Good night all! It is almost 11pm and I must go to bed :)


  1. G has something in mind. Keep observing and keep raising your thoughts upward for I really believe all will be evident on this trip. Keep listening to council and be thankful for the opportunity to see your dream come alive! Whatever it is, you will know and excel at it! I love you, Dad.

  2. Thanks for posting so much great stuff, love the 411 and pics too!! Your J is SO on your future. The most awesome thing is however He leads, if you follow, His hand and favor will be with you and He will use you mightily. You will be an awesome teach or OT. =) Talking to J, Hugs and love, L.
