Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Melissa meets Melissa

Before I started this trip, Annie (my fellow ESL intern) told me there was a girl at SFCV named Melissa. Annie would tag me in pictures of her and I just died every time I saw little Melissa. I made note that Melissa and I would have to do some serious bonding! :) She looked so sweet and so perfect. What could be wrong with her?
So when the time came to actually see her in person, I was just SOOOO overwhelmed. She was absolutely adorable!!She is about 20 months old and has a heart condition I believe. She let me carry her when I first saw her which just made my day. I just kept holding her and saying funny sounds to make her laugh.
Needless to say, seeing Melissa at the House of Peace (there are about 5 children's homes at SFCV and House of Peace is one of them) is now my new ritual. I love making her laugh and sometimes she even will come up to me and ask to be held.
I hope one day she will be adopted into a forever family.  She has many nannys that love her but I hope one day she can have parents to call her own. 

So during this time, you will be seeing MANY photos of her :)

1 comment:

  1. she is in our thoughts. Easy to think about...I wonder why? So cute. i think you should do your hair that way.
